Quantum repetition code for phase-flips#
The code presented in the previous notebook could only correct for $X$ errors. Now, we present a code that can only correct for $Z$ errors. In the next notebook, we will combine these codes together to correct for both $X$ and $Z$ errors and more.
Alice wants to send a one-qubit state $\ket{\psi}$ to Bob, but via a channel that applies the $Z$ operator to qubits with probability $p$. If the error occurs then the state is distorted as, \begin{equation} \ket{\tilde\psi} = Z\ket{\psi} = Z(\alpha\ket{0} + \beta\ket{1}) = \alpha\ket{0} - \beta\ket{1}. \end{equation} Bob cannot tell if an error has occurred, so with probability $p$ he will receive the wrong message.
Alice and Bob therefore use an error-correcting procedure.
Here we assume that on each qubit, $Z_i$ occurs with probability $p$.
To protect against such type of errors, we will employ a repetition code, but with a different basis. Now, \begin{align} \ket{0} \to \ket{\bar{0}} = \ket{+++}, \\ \ket{1} \to \ket{\bar{1}} = \ket{---}. \end{align} For this code basis, a qubit in state $\ket{\psi}$ is encoded as \begin{equation} \ket{\psi}\ket{00} = (\alpha\ket{0} + \beta\ket{1})\ket{00} \to \ket{\bar\psi} = \alpha\ket{+++} + \beta\ket{---}. \end{equation} This is done via the following circuit.
import stac
enc_circ = stac.Circuit.simple(3)
enc_circ.append('CX', 0, 1)
enc_circ.append('CX', 0, 2)
for i in range(3):
enc_circ.append('H', i)
Task 1 (On paper)#
Determine logical gate operations $\bar{X}$ and $\bar{Z}$ for the three-qubit repetition code for phase-flips. These are operations that act on the logical basis $\set{\ket{\bar{0}}, \ket{\bar{1}}}$, in the normal way, i.e. \begin{align} \bar{X}\ket{\bar{0}} &= \ket{\bar{1}}, \quad \bar{X}\ket{\bar{1}} = \ket{\bar{0}}, \\ \bar{Z}\ket{\bar{0}} &= \ket{\bar{0}}, \quad \bar{Z}\ket{\bar{1}} = -\ket{\bar{1}}. \end{align} They can be constructed by some combination of operations on the three physical qubits. You will discover that there are possibly multiple ways of doing so.
The possible errors on the encoded state are given as follows.
Error | Probability |
$I$ | $(1-p)^3$ |
$Z_0$ | $p(1-p)^2$ |
$Z_1$ | $p(1-p)^2$ |
$Z_2$ | $p(1-p)^2$ |
$Z_0Z_1$ | $p^2(1-p)$ |
$Z_0Z_2$ | $p^2(1-p)$ |
$Z_1Z_2$ | $p^2(1-p)$ |
$Z_0Z_1Z_2$ | $p^3$ |
Task 2 (On paper)#
Determine the impact of each error on the input basis states.
Let input state be $\ket{+++}$
Error | Output state |
$I$ | $\ket{+++}$ |
$Z_0$ | $\ket{-++}$ |
$Z_1$ | $?$ |
$Z_2$ | $?$ |
$Z_0Z_1$ | $?$ |
$Z_0Z_2$ | $?$ |
$Z_1Z_2$ | $?$ |
$Z_0Z_1Z_2$ | $?$ |
Let input state be $\ket{---}$
Error | Output state |
$I$ | $\ket{---}$ |
$Z_0$ | $\ket{+--}$ |
$Z_1$ | $?$ |
$Z_2$ | $?$ |
$Z_0Z_1$ | $?$ |
$Z_0Z_2$ | $?$ |
$Z_1Z_2$ | $?$ |
$Z_0Z_1Z_2$ | $?$ |
Do different errors result in the same output state?
As before, we will assume that $p$ is small, so we will only attempt to correct the errors $\set{I,Z_0,Z_1,Z_2}$. The effect of the $Z$ errors is to flip the state between plus and minus. So, for instance, \begin{equation} Z_0\ket{\bar{\psi}} = \alpha Z_0\ket{+++} + \beta Z_0\ket{---} = \alpha\ket{-++} + \beta\ket{+--}. \end{equation}
The error detection strategy is the same as before. Bob employs a circuit that compares the value of two pairs of qubits, but in the plus/minus basis. This is accomplished using the following circuit.
synd_circ_expanded = stac.Circuit.simple(5)
synd_circ_expanded.append('H', 0)
synd_circ_expanded.append('CX', 0, 3)
synd_circ_expanded.append('H', 0)
synd_circ_expanded.append('H', 1)
synd_circ_expanded.append('CX', 1, 3)
synd_circ_expanded.append('H', 1)
synd_circ_expanded.append('H', 1)
synd_circ_expanded.append('CX', 1, 4)
synd_circ_expanded.append('H', 1)
synd_circ_expanded.append('H', 2)
synd_circ_expanded.append('CX', 2, 4)
synd_circ_expanded.append('H', 2)
synd_circ_expanded.append('M', 3)
synd_circ_expanded.append('M', 4)
Here in each block, first we use the Hadamard gate to switch to the computational basis, then transfer the value of the qubit to the ancilla qubit using the $CX$ gate. Finally, we convert back to the plus/minus basis using the Hadamard gate. We can simplify this circuit as follows, using the fact that $H^2 = I$.
synd_circ = stac.Circuit.simple(5)
for i in range(3):
synd_circ.append('H', i)
synd_circ.append('CX', 0, 3)
synd_circ.append('CX', 1, 3)
synd_circ.append('CX', 1, 4)
synd_circ.append('CX', 2, 4)
for i in range(3):
synd_circ.append('H', i)
synd_circ.append('M', 3)
synd_circ.append('M', 4)
To determine the syndromes, we can do the following
circ = stac.Circuit.simple(5)
# encode the 0 state
circ += enc_circ
# # add an error
circ.append('Z', 0)
# # do a syndrome measurement
circ += synd_circ
# draw to make sure you we understand what is happening
# sample the output 10 times
[1 0] [1 0] [1 0] [1 0] [1 0] [1 0] [1 0] [1 0] [1 0] [1 0]
Task 3#
Fill the following table
Syndrome | Inferred error |
$00$ | $I$ |
$01$ | |
$10$ | |
$11$ |
In this code, if Bob infers that errors $Z_i$ occurs, than he applies $Z_i$ to the corrupted codeword to fix it.
Bit-flip errors#
We won't belabor the point that this code cannot fix bit-flip errors.